Habits get a bad rap.  When we think of habits, we tend to think of things like biting your fingernails, leaving your clothes on the floor, leaving the toilet seat up (guys!!!), etc.  All bad things.  That's my point, all habits aren't necessarily bad.

For instance, if you're in the habit of taking your vitamins every morning, you probably take them.  If you're in the habit of heading to the mailbox in the afternoon when you come home, that helps keep the mailbox from overflowing before the end of the week.

BOTTOM LINE:  You are a complex combination of the habits, good and bad, of your life.  They make up who you are and how you live.  They, oftentimes without even thinking, regulate your life.  For instance, I'm writing this blog right now because it's become one of the habits of my life.  I no longer have to think about it.  I just do it.  It's a habit...a good one.

They say, (whoever they is) that you can establish a habit in as little as 1 month.  Do something every day for a month, and the behavior becomes engrained in you.  You no longer have to think about it, you just do it.

What if you were to read your Bible and pray every day for a month?  Think it might become a habit?  A good one?

What if you were to be at church 4 Sundays in a row?  Another good habit?  Or, maybe get plugged into a LifeGroup for a month?  Or, say you made the habit of inviting people to church with you...really went out of your way to invite those people you've been thinking about and praying about, but never quite get around to inviting for one reason or another.

Well, if you're wondering what CONNECT 4 is all about, now you know.  Not to get you to commit to one more thing, but to help you establish great habits that you will, hopefully, carry with you for the rest of your life!

So...DO IT!  COMMIT!  CONNECT 4.  Who knows, it might still be changing your life 10 years from now.  Crazy!


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