I am a dinosaur.  I remember when I got my first iPhone.  I wasn't sure why I got an iPhone.  Seemed like a waste of perfectly good money.  All I needed was something that made calls and took them.  Like those giant original cell phones with the huge antenna sticking out, only smaller.  But, I work with 20-somethings, so we got iPhones.  They do lots of things.  Things I didn't want to do.  Things I had no intention of doing.  Things I swore I would never, ever do....like sending a text message.  And I was committed not to...until Hurricane Rita came and we left and there was no way to talk to people back in Pearland except by text.  I was slow...but I was hooked.

Then there was Facebook.  I fought that forever...now I'm on.  Next was Twitter.  I didn't even understand what Twitter was.  When I did find out, I thought it was stupid.  Remember, I'm a dinosaur. When I claimed I didn't know how to set up a Twitter account, one of my baby pastors took my phone and set me up in 3 minutes.  (Show-offs!)  But, it didn't matter, because I didn't know how to use it.  They said, "Just play with it, you'll figure it out.  That's like giving a baby a jar of creamed spinach with the lid on and telling him, "Just play with it, you'll figure it out.)  1.  He hates spinach and is in no way motivated to figure it out and 2.  He's a baby and those lids are baby-proof.  I was a dinosaur.  Dinosaurs look at Twitter like babies look at spinach.  "I don't want it, and I couldn't get into it if I wanted to...which I absolutely do not!

But, I did anyway.  Mainly because I was a dinosaur and didn't want to admit I was, out of fear of extinction, and secondly, because I'm hard-headed and wasn't about to admit I couldn't do something.  Pride goeth before a Twitter.  I'm pretty sure that's in the Bible somewhere.  Now, I tweet.

Oh, one mistake I made was convincing my wife she could tweet too.  I challenged her just like those baby pastors did me.  She refused at first, then all hell broke loose!  Now, she's a Twitter addict.  I'm looking for a good 12-Step Twitter Addiction Program for her.  If you hear of one, please let me know. I've created a monster.

My point?  Social media is neither a good thing or a bad thing.  It's what we call amoral.  Not moral or immoral.  But, it's an opportunity to communicate with people you might never communicate with.  The way I see it, if the Apostle Paul was around today he would be on Twitter constantly...@theapostlepaul.

There's a lot of bad stuff communicated through Social Media.  I believe it's up to Christians to be the salt and light of Social Media and bring something good to it.  If you're not on Facebook, get on.  If you're not on Twitter, find someone under the age of 25 and have them set you up.  Oh yeah, and follow me @tomallenonline.

The Kingdom of God must be ever expanding....even into the Twittersphere!  #thankscrosspointsticker


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