OK, so the next time you complain when I go a few minutes long, I'll just remind you of my day today.  I spent the day in Anderson, SC at the NewSpring Leadership Conference.  What that translates into is an 8-hour Preach-a-thon.  The head can only contain what the buttocks can endure.
     I listened to more preaching than most of you do in two ONE DAY!  It was great...mostly.  Hey, there's good preaching and bad preaching.  Some is better than others.  But, I managed to learn something from every speaker.
     More importantly than that, I learned so much from the church where it was held.  NewSpring is one of the fastest growing churches in America.  What's interesting about that is that it's main campus is in Anderson, SC.  Anderson is not a booming metropolis.  It's somewhat the middle of nowhere.  Down a little two-lane road you find this sprawling church that seems so out of place, reaching thousands weekly for Christ.  What's the secret?
     Well, one thing was the ARMY of volunteers that overran that campus from the moment you entered the parking lot to the bathrooms. (Yeah, you heard me right, the bathrooms!)  These people were not only out in 100's, they took days off work to be there.  Before I made it to the front door I had already been personally welcomed at least 30 times.  Twenty more in the lobby.  At least 10 times during every break.  They handed out coffee and snacks, gave directions, found seats, emptied trash cans, served lunch...they served and served and served.  When we left, we were told by at least 20 people "Thanks for coming!".
     All I know is this, if I lived anywhere near Anderson, SC and visited NewSpring Church, I would probably go back the following week.  They say people who visit a church decide within the first 7 minutes whether they will return.  I don't doubt it.
     How about you?  Are you part of bringing them back, making guests feel wanted and valued?  Are you one of those volunteers that make the BIG DIFFERENCE?  Or are you just taking up space?


  1. The head can only contain what the buttocks can endure.
    I think this should go on a t-shirt.


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