My friend Elizabeth died yesterday.  She was way too young to die, but she did.  I didn't get to know her long, as time is measured, but I feel that in spite of that I got to know her well.  She was beautiful on the outside.  Much more so on the inside.

There are people I've known for years, but never knew as well as I got to know Elizabeth.  She was an open book.  If you let her talk, she would.  She REALLY would.  REALLY.  And she had something to say.

I could write so much, but let me limit my words.  I think two things really define our we LIVE and how we DIE.  Elizabeth poured 3 or 4 lives worth of living into her short years.  Some people hang around for 100 years, but never do much living.  She proved the adage that it's not so much  the years to your life, as it is the life to your years.  In that sense, she may have outlived us all.

One scene will be etched in my memory: As she lived out her last hours, she did so with her three girls perched on her bed, taking turns reading God's Word to her.  Stuff like that doesn't just happen by accident.  Those things get planted deep in the lives of children by a powerful, godly, loving mother.  Her family is a testament to her life.

Yesterday, it was hard to say goodbye to her.  But, it was easy for her to say hello to leave behind her suffering and the limits of this world and be united with her Savior.  Today, heaven is a even better place.


  1. What a beautiful testimony to a life well lived. I'm sad for the family and for her friends, but I like your last sentence. She will be happy there.

  2. Thank you Tom - I told my kids I think that things happen sometimes to people like Elizabeth who the world so needs more of, and so you might not understand why the Lord doesn't allow them to stay here longer, that He allows it because we need to know and see how it can be done. What it looks like to trust God no matter what - and how to live life abundantly and how to die with total peace and trust. Someone you know will hear - "Well done, my good and faithful servant". A beautiful example - a beautiful person, a HUGE IMPRINT and an incredible legacy! I know all that and I wasn't even one of her close friends, just someone whose life she touched in a very indelible way.


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