It's that time.  Election time.  The once every four year one.  The big one.  Lot's of claims.  Lot's of rhetoric.  Lot's of claims and counter-claims.  We have to choose Candidate A or Candidate B.  We tend to get pretty emotional about our choices.  If we choose Candidate A, we think everyone's an idiot who would even consider Candidate B.  And vice-versa.

So, is there any help from scripture on picking a candidate and involving ourselves in all this madness.  I think there's some.  See if this helps:

1.  Remember, neither of these guys are the real answer, the real savior that America needs.  That job is taken and it's not up for grabs in November.

2.  Both men will disappoint.  Accept that.  They are not perfect, but then, neither are you.  They won't always do what you think is right, but then again, you're not always right, so even when they go left when you think they should have gone right, you may be the one who got it wrong that time.

3.  We live in a great country...I believe the greatest on earth, but our system only allows us to get the government we deserve.  If the majority of our nation is immoral, we will most likely have immoral government.  Hard to swallow, but true.  Accept it and move on.  That's why our real job is not really to simply put out the yard sign or click the right name on the ballot, it's to contend for the hearts and souls of a nation one life at a time.  Only as our nation turns to God will it have any chance of having God-honoring government.

4.  When you choose your candidate, don't look for the perfect one, Jesus isn't running.  Don't look at where he goes to church or who he claims to be spiritually.  Anyone can do that.  Know what the Word of God says.  Know the timeless principles of truth that never change and see which man, whatever he calls himself, follows them most closely.  Principles like stewardship, justice, equality, protection of life, born and unborn, freedom of religion, debt, personal responsibility, etc.  Don't look at the tag they're wearing.  Look at what their principles are.  Are they, purposefully or not, biblical principles.  Pick the guy who follows them best.  Not perfectly, but best.

5.  Whoever wins, pray for them.  It's a commandment.  Do it.

6. Be civil.  We've lost civility for the most part in this country.  That doesn't mean you have to as well. Be firm, but be nice.


  1. Tom, this is so nicely stated and a very much needed reminder with all the political madness out there. Your messages always hit home and leave a lasting impression...things to think about. We certainly miss hearing them!

  2. AWESOME POST, Pastor Tom. I'm forwarding this to all my friends and family members who are against me and my political opinions (not that I care what they think, it's my right to choose who I support).


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