Today, I'm playing in the Annual Pearland Oiler Golf Tournament, to raise funds for the PHS football program.  It's something I try to never miss because of the great respect I have for this program and the role it plays in the lives of so many young men.  I'm excited...and a little concerned as well, for several reasons:
1.  It starts at 1:00PM.  I have become a heat wimp and know its going to be beyond HOT.  Actual melting is a real fear.
2.  Golf is a game that must be played often to be played well.  No exceptions.  I haven't...therefore I won't.  Embarrassment is a very real possibility.
3.  Golf requires a full half-day.  Throw in lunch, warm-up (why that would be needed, I'm not clear) dinner, awards, etc., you can blow the better part of a day.  I feel strongly I need all of mine.

LIFE LESSONS:  *Being a Christ-Follower is much the same.  To do it well, you must do it often.  It's not just something you can pick up and put down as you feel like.  To follow Him well, you must follow Him daily.
*It takes time.  In fact, it's actually a full-time vocation.
*If you follow Him, expect to feel the heat.  He'll take you into some tough places.  Uncomfortable places.  It's where He goes.  It's where He expects you to go with Him.  Remember, Jesus came to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.


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