Someone asked me the question last night that I get from time to time, "If God knows everything, how could He allow those who He knows will reject Him to be born?"  That's a great question.  How can a loving God allow people to come into this world that he already knows will be condemned to hell eternally?  Can He really be considered "loving", yet allow such a thing?

My Response:

1.  We must not confuse knowledge with causation.  Just because I know the house is burning down doesn't mean I set the fire.  Because He knew it doesn't mean He caused them to reject Him.  We're quite capable of that on our own.

2.  God is love and love demands a choice.  Susan knows I love her, not because I had to, but because I chose to...and keep choosing to daily.  Love entails my having the choice not to love.

3.  The question is a good one, but it misses the bigger, better question: "How could a just God, who knows we all, at some point, reject Him and choose our own way over His, and even when He saves us and forgives us we still reject His way and take our own over and over...how could a just God let anyone into his heaven?"  That's the more mind-boggling proposition to me.  The fact that ANY of us will see heaven is beyond reason.  The fact that you will.  The fact that I will.  The fact that a bunch of sin-soaked rejects get the reward of a lifetime...of ETERNITY!  That's crazy!  That's ridiculous!  That's our God!


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