Some things are real.  Some things are symbolic.  Just because something is symbolic doesn't make it any less important.  Jesus went to the cross and bled and died and suffered for us and paid for our sins.  That was real.  Every time we celebrate the Lord's Supper, we remember the cross and the broken body and shed blood.  It's symbolic, but it's still powerful because it points to some to something that was and is real.

Tomorrow we break ground on our new campus.  Well, not literally.  There aren't big pieces of machinery poised and waiting to swoop in and erect a building, but can't until we break up the ground for them.  I think we all know that.  What we do tomorrow is symbolic.  We turn a few shovels of dirt.  Big deal.  But, for those of us who have prayed and obeyed and given and sacrificed for a building that represents a dream of what is needed to build God's Kingdom, it is a big deal.  Symbolic?  Yes.  Real?  Absolutely.  My heart is going to leap a little.  Not because I know the construction can start now.  But, because I know we're symbolically starting the actual construction of what was only a dream for so long.  God has taken us a long way.  He's got a long way to take us still.  But, we need to celebrate all the big things he does in us.  We need to give him credit.  We need to celebrate.  We need to make these moments memorable.  Let's tear up some dirt!


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