First thing in the morning is one of my favorite times.  Susan and I get up, make the coffee and sit back in our two big chairs.  One of us pours each of us a cup and we sit back and chat about things that happened the day before, challenges we have for the day ahead or just stuff that means something to us or is just bugging us.  Bottom Line:  Before the day takes us away from one another and does with us what it pleases, we connect.  We read our Bibles, we pray, I write my blog, but through it all, we connect.  Each of us knows they have permission to "butt in", no matter how trivial it may seem.

We have our favorite coffee mugs.  Mine says "COWBOY", and hers says "COWGIRL".  You may be saying, "You're no cowboy!"  Well, you've missed the point.  I never drink from that mug when she's not there.  She never drinks from her mug when I'm not there.  They're a matched set.  They only operate together.  You see, she's only a "COWGIRL" when she's with her "COWBOY" and vice versa.  It says nothing about our agrarian lifestyle.  It says we're a matched set.  I may be a "cowless cowboy", but I'm hers, and that's all that matters.

Excuse me while I lay a big wet one on my "COWGIRL".  YEE HAW!!!!!


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