I have a friend.  His name is Bruce.  Last night he calls me up at 9:00pm and says, "I'm about to leave Baton Rouge.  Just wanted to make sure there's an empty bed for me."  I said, "Of course".  That's the way Bruce rolls.  Actually, that was more notice than we sometimes get.  In fact, on any given day, if we wake up and hear loud snoring coming from the guest room, Bruce may be in the house.  He knows how to get in, where to go and what to do.  He knows he's always welcome here, no questions asked.  Well, that's not exactly true.  We ask questions.  But, he always knows he has a place to stay, a meal to eat, and a listening ear.  It's a given.

We may see him 3 weeks in a row sometimes, then other times we may not see him for 3 months.  But, no problem.  We pick up where we left off.  He's just part of the family.

That works great for Bruce and I....dropping in when he can or when he needs to.  But, many of us have this same relationship with God.  We may stop by and chat once a week for 3 weeks, then we may go 3 months without talking.  Not the best way to have a meaningful relationship with the one who made you...the one who longs to know you and love you and hear your voice...the one who desires to guide you through this minefield we call life.  What works great for me and Bruce, wouldn't work so great with Susan.  Different relationship.  Different needs.  Different expectations.  Different level of intimacy.  The level of intimacy God desires.  Intimacy comes on a daily basis...sometimes hourly.  Not a now and then or whenever necessary basis.  If that's your relationship with God, maybe it's time to make Him a priority in your time and in your day.  Don't stop by when necessary...realize the immediate necessity.  Prioritize.  Come close.


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