As many of you are aware, I tend to have problems with my kidneys.  The rest of me manages to stay relatively healthy, but those kidneys are another story.  When I go to the doctor, they check my blood pressure and my temperature.  They're always great.  Sometimes they check my cholesterol, PSA, hormones (I score very low on the follicle producing hormone...duh!).  You get the picture, and the picture is I look like a pillar of health.  Except for those pesky kidneys.

All in all, that's not too bad...right?  They don't fall out or shrivel up and die or go on strike or attack other organs.  They just get infected and don't work right.  Shouldn't be that big of a deal.  But, it is.  They cause me exhaustion.  I get horrible headaches.  My lower back hurts.  I get nausea.  I ache all over.  Who knew one member not working correctly could wreak so much havoc on the whole body?

Enough biology.  But, what does this have to do with anything else?  Well, the Bible talks about the church as many things.  One of those things is a body.  In fact that's the #1 analogy God uses to speak of the church.  So, what's my point?  My point is that in my body when one little part fails to do it's part, my whole body suffers.  One part, hidden away in one little section of my body, minding it's own business.  But, when it fails to function properly, the entire body becomes unhealthy.  The entire body gets sick.  The entire body experiences disease.  It's a mess, and I'm not the person I want to be.

As a believer, you're a part of a body, the church.  As a part of that body, you have a role to play.  It may seem big.  It may seem small.  You may think nobody ever notices, and quite possibly, they don't...until you're not there to do what you do.  Then they notice.

Question:  Are you a functioning body part?  Is the church healthier because of you or are you part of the disease it suffers?  Is it functioning to it's fullest capacity because of you, or struggling to be all it was designed to be in spite of you?  Are you contributing to the health of your church?  Are you functioning at full-capacity?

Jesus didn't die for a cadaver, but a body.  Whatever organ you are, function at full-capacity!


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