Last summer at this time we were praying, cussing and discussing the lack of rainfall.  It was a drought.  Not a year-long drought.  Not a 3-year drought.  Not a Dust Bowl kind of thing.  Just a really dry summer.  So, we prayed and prayed and asked God to make it rain.  We begged.  We pleaded.  We got our water bills (that's when the cussing came in).

Fast Forward:  IT'S RAINING!  Everything is green.  Everything has come back to life.  Rivers are full.  Lakes are full.  Life is good....right?  Nope.  Now, we're complaining, "Will it ever stop raining?"  Seriously?!?!  What's the deal?  What's up with that?

It's all about timing.  Bottom line:  We want what we want when we want it.  We've pretty much forgotten about the drought last year.  Now, the rain is cramping our style.  It's an inconvenience.  We wanted rain, but back when we asked for it.  We're into immediate gratification.  Forget what we asked for last year...that was a whole year ago.  Those prayers were so 2011.  So last year.  "Thanks for the rain.  Wanted it last year, but, hey thanks anyway.  Now stop.  We're still a little ticked off that the rain didn't get here last summer.  Don't compound the problem with rain EVERY DAY.  It's really getting to be a pain".

Relate to that at all?  It's tough to realize that God isn't our giant rabbit's foot in the sky, waiting with baited breath to supply our every request the moment we ask.  But, He does answer.  The problem is that this year's answer may be to last year's prayer.  Since 1,000 years is like a day to the Lord, He's really not late.  We just think so.  Like children...bratty children...we want what we want when we want it.  Maybe, we just need to grow up a little...and say, "Thank you!".


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