We celebrated an anniversary recently...32 years.  32 YEARS!  That's a long time.  I've been married longer than I've not been married.   I'm not sure I can remember being single.  It's kind of a blur.  I know I was...but that was 32 years ago!  You can't really expect me to remember things that far back, can you?  Ancient history.

I do vaguely remember that being single (in the 70s) had its challenges and issues.  Everything does.  But, honestly, I don't think the challenges were as great as they are today.  Even being married, I can see it's tough being single today.  With Americans choosing to marry later, with co-habitation being more of an acceptable option to marriage or even an expected precursor to marriage, with ever-changing moral rules and rights, being single, and, somehow, being Christian, have never been tougher.  Couple that with the fact that single adults in American are the fastest-growing demographic, the Church cannot just twiddle its thumbs and say, "Good luck!  Let us know when you get married!".  There must be strategic concierge ministry targeted to the single populace...whether they are single by choice, by necessity or single-again.

I hope 2013 is the year of the SINGLE ADULT at Crosspoint Church.  That we recognize an untapped resource for the Kingdom of God and mine down deep into it.


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