22.  I know what I want to look like in my swimsuit.  I'm just not sure how.  Does that really need any further explanation?  I don't think so.

23.  Everything isn't about sex, but everything is about sexuality.  Everything reflects the over-exaggerated consumption with sexuality.  Fashion, advertising, humor, media, music, all revolves around sexuality.  People's lives and thinking revolve around sexuality and drives their decision-making processes.  Sex is a good thing, a gift from God.  But when a society becomes consumed by one controlling thought process, when one concept and the expression of that controls our thinking and our acting, Satan has a field day.  Modesty and a sense of propriety goes out the window.   Pushing the envelope of what is appropriate and acceptable and God-honoring is discarded in favor of what will draw attention to one's body and/or sexual nature.  That which is made to be enjoyed within the confines of a marriage disintegrates into a personal and commercial from of marketing.  We trade the higher forms of our nature (our spirits) for the lowest form of our nature (the physical).  We're moving down the food chain, not up.  Society is becoming, as the Bible would say it, more carnal.  That, in turn, moves us further and further from God.

Moms, teach your daughters that they need to be accepted more for their minds and their hearts than for the size and visibility of their boobs.

Dads, teach your sons that there is more to be attracted to in a woman than how much skin she shows and how slutty she may present herself.  Teach him to look past the outside and look inside.  That's who she really is.  Look for a confident woman who isn't desperate to grab your attention with her sexuality.  That's a tell-tale sign that there isn't much past that and she's desperate for attention, any way she can get it.  (She probably can't hold a conversation over a 3rd grade level)


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