19. Hot tub and dinner table conversations are the deepest.  Not sure why that is.  The Jews understood that sharing a meal was one of the most intimate things that two people could do.  Possibly, because everyone ate out of the same dish.  That's not the case anymore, but both hot tubs and dinner tables lend themselves to extended periods of face-to-face conversation.  You can stare one another down, or you can talk.  Talk is usually better.

20.  Americans have no problem wasting enormous amounts of food.  In a world that is starving, we seem to have no problem taking piggish portions, eating what we like, discarding what we don't, and heading back for more.  We've no embarrassment.  No wonder we've lost our waistlines and our respect in the world simultaneously.

21.  At least 2% of the couples in the world are odd couples.  Don't try to figure it out.  One thing is just not like the other.  The things that go through my mind are, "He must have been a stud when he was 18".  "I wonder if that was an arranged marriage?".  "Childbirth must have taken a real toll on her...and she must have 12 or 15 kids, easy".  You know those couples.  You look at them and just say, "How in the heck did that happen?".  My only problem is, I want to ask.  I'm curious by nature.  I have this insatiable desire to approach one of the partners and just say, "Why?  Please, the suspense is killing me.  Can you let me in on the secret of what happened?"  I wonder if anyone approached Susan?


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