Here's more insights from cruiseville...

7.  The Church is considered irrelevant.  Want to stick a pin in any conversation you start onboard?  Just wait till they as, "And what do you do?.  Answer: "I pastor a church".  psssssssssssssssssssssss...  That's the sound of all the air going out of the balloon.  (Crickets)  If you're a teacher or lawyer or auto mechanic or indian chief, the conversation continues.  Pastor....(crickets).  Yes, many people aren't sure what to say to pastors.  Some aren't Christ-followers.  But, for most, when the word church gets introduced into the conversation there is an immediate uneasiness.  To the average American, and these are folks who by most statistics consider themselves christians, the church is weird.  The church is strange.  The church doesn't fit their lifestyle.  The church is irrelevant.

8.  Americans are fat.  Ouch!  It's true.  We went on a cruise in the Mediterranean last year.  This year out of Ft. Lauderdale.  Let's face it, Americans are fat.  Some more than others.  Some are in denial.  (that's a really bad combo..fatness and denial)  Our eating habits are poor.  Our exercise regimens are worse.  We are not a very healthy group of people.  If you are reading this, are American and are not fat, please disregard.

9.  Everyone will listen to kicking' music.  Not everyone will withstand mellow musical musings.  Whether it was on the top deck with live music blaring out Classic Rock or in one of the venues with the Black-Eyed Peas and LMFAO blaring some pumping tunes, people of all ages will listen, accept and move to it.  Go mellow and people go away.  I know, you're saying that's a cruise.  Well, it's just a slice of life.  3,000 people just like you and me.  Young and old.  Red and yellow, black and white.  There was a really talented guy in one venue singing with his guitar.  Really talented.  I enjoyed him.  Me and about 12 others.  Whether it's a 60 yr. old reliving their younger days to a Journey tune, or a really young couple singing along as the band blasts out their best version of an Adele tune, loud and moving is where it's at.

Hey, I'm get getting rolling.  See you tomorrow.


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