4.  Modesty is out of style.  Not sure what else needs to be said on that one.  My wife was easy to spot on the ship of 3000.  She's the woman in the one-piece bathing suit.  Now, don't misunderstand me.  I'm not saying that a 2-piece bathing suit is somehow wrong. I suggested it be Susan's goal for our next trip. (and she didn't hit me)  I just think it should take more than 1/4 of a yard of material to make.  I don't want to see EVERYTHING you got.  Some more than others, if you get my drift.

But, this isn't just about women.  I'm not just talking about the weird old dude in the Speedo (mental image....yuck), but seriously, why is it cool to buy a swimsuit that's one size too big in order to show us the top 2 inches of your particular brand of underwear.  The word moron comes to mind.  If your goal is to show us your underwear, why spend $50 on the suit?  Unless, of course, you're being sponsored by both Quicksilver and Fruit of the Loom.

5.  Skin cancer will be up in 20 years.  Considering going into medicine?  Think dermatology.  People actually enjoy frying themselves on the first day of a cruise, and then continue to sit out in the sun.  Yes, I got a little over-baked on the first day.  I had sunscreen on....placed there by my wife...that was supposed to keep me from burning...instead, leaving me fricasseed in an interesting swirly pattern with lines and polka-dots, etc.  They say you get treated for things you did to your skin 20 years ago.  Business should be good.

6.  Cultures will always be different.  America is a melting-pot.  At least, that's what they say.  Yes, there is somewhat of an American culture.  But, more importantly, this American culture is made up of lots of sub-cultures.  Some geographic.  Some ethnic.  Some economic.  Etc., etc....  As much as we all want to say we're all Americans (which we are), we're very culturally diverse.  That's not going to change.  We can fight it or embrace it, but the reality is, as much as we all want to be alike, we're not and we're never going to be.  The culture you grew up in is what you consider NORMAL, and thus every other culture is considered somewhat ABNORMAL by you, consciously or subconsciously.  To deny this is insanity.  But, you can embrace it, enjoy it and observe it.

More tomorrow.  I'm just getting started!


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