24.  Some people can have fun without alcohol.  Some people can have fun with or without alcohol.  Some people can only have fun WITH alcohol.  That's a problem.  This is neither an anti-alcohol nor pro-alcohol comment.  Alcohol is not really a moral issue.  It's like sex or guns or 100 other things.  They aren't the issue.  How they are used is.  If you enjoy a glass of wine, great.  If you believe that fun cannot be had without the presence of alcohol, you have a problem.  If you're popping the top of your first cold one at 7:30am, there may be a problem.  If you order 3 drinks at one time, there may be a problem.  If alcohol has a little place in your day some days, that's one thing.  If your day revolves around alcohol, Houston, we have a problem.

Bottom line, if you can't have a good time without alcohol, you're just not much fun.  You need to get a sense of humor, some real friends, possibly a life.

25.  The older I get, the more adventurous I get.  Who knew?  When we got married, Susan was the adventurous one.  I was the cautious one.  That's the way we had been raised.  Her dad raised her to "Go for it!".  My mom raised me to "Fear it!".  I've spent the last 32 years trying to grow out of that.  It's been difficult.  But, I'm making progress.  To some extent, we've even done a role reversal.  Many times I was the one saying, "Come on" to Susan, rather than vice versa.  As we dreamed of the future, her dreams were about family and home and financial security.  Mine were about hiking the Grand Canyon, riding the MS150 and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.  Role reversal.  Who knew?


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