
Question: Where do you believe Jesus went for the 3 days he was in the tomb? Do you think he actually went to hell as some say to get the "captives", or maybe the Holy Place that Heb. 9 talks about to pay our price with his blood?

Answer:  According to the Apostles Creed, upon his death, Jesus went straightway to Hell to fight for and achieve the release of all those who had died before his death and were thus being held captive in Hell.  

According to that belief, even those who were trusting in God, keeping his law and looking forward, by faith, to the Messiah, were sent to Hell.  Not some nice corner of Hell, just until this all gets figured out, like a person who's been wrongly imprisoned for a crime they didn't commit...it's just a misunderstanding that should be cleared up soon.  No, these aren't people awaiting trial.  They've been tried, convicted and sentenced.  It's over.  Then Jesus walks in and does a little MMA action on Satan, wins the match and his prize is to take whoever he wants outta there.

OK, nice picture.  Makes for some good preaching, great creeds and cool songs.  But, is it scriptural?  Take a look at Hebrews 11.  It's a roll call of faith.  It talks about those who lived totally by faith and their reward.  PROBLEM: A preponderance of those mentioned are from the Old Testament.  It talks about their faith and their rewards.  What kind of an award category does Hell fall into?  If Hell's a reward, I'm really hoping I lose that one.  

I believe it's more likely that Jesus walked into the place known by a number of terms...Abraham's bosom, Sheol, the grave. It's inhabitants lived by faith looking forward to the coming of the Messiah....died before he came on the scene and paid the price for their sins.  They obviously weren't held captive by Satan in Hell.  They weren't his property.  But, the price hadn't been paid yet for their ransom.  They were held captive by death.  Then, Jesus died for them and for the first time they, and we, could say, "Oh death, where is your sting?".  Gone.  Only Jesus had the power to set them free from the power of the grave and complete their faith journey home.  

People in Hell are Satan's property.  Jesus had these folks in law-away.  He paid the price and took them home.

Maybe they were at K-Mart?


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