
Question:  Matthew 26:39 – 42 Garden of Gethsamane
Is Jesus’ will different from God the Father’s will?

Answer:  When we look at Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, we have to remember that he is God, but he is a man as well.  In fact, as a man, to truly experience everything that goes along with being a man, he has set aside the privileges of being God.  That means as God he is omnipresent.  As man, he can only be in one place at a time.  As God he was omniscient (knew all things).  But as man, he didn't know everything.  In fact, at times he states there are particular things that he does not know. (He stated that he didn't know the time or day of his return.  Only the Father knew that.)  

As a man, he also had a natural aversion to death.  He did not desire to die.  He, especially, did not want to go through the agony of a crucifixion.  He asked God, the Father, if there was any other way to ransom mankind, please take that option, but more importantly, if there wasn't he would willingly go through with it.  His desire was to a) ransom mankind and b) obey God, the Father.

In a sense, God the man didn't want to die.  Yet, he yielded to the will of God, the Father, who was not ladened with the human limitations and will.


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