Toxic relationships, basically, break down into three categories: Negative, Controlling and Tempters.  Chances are, you can identify one or more of these relationships either from your past, or from the present.  Chances are even better that that you have experienced all three of these types of relationships in you life at one time or another.
     I think the three are somewhat self-explanatory, but just in case...Negative people are not just the glass-half-empty folks.  It goes beyond that.  They are, by nature, fault-finders.  They find fault with everything.  Rather than celebrating what is good and right, they find some form of fault with everything and point out and dwell on that.  I reminded someone the other day they are never more like Satan than when they incessantly find fault.
     Controllers do just that, they seek to be in control of people and situations.  When things are out of their control, or appear to be out of their control, they panic and make others around them miserable.  To enjoy a situation, they need to feel in control of it.  Likewise, to enjoy a relationship, they need to feel in control of the relationship as well.
     Tempters, consciously or sub-consciously, lead us away from God's best for our lives.  Ever been in a relationship with anyone and suddenly you realize that you have somehow drifted from God's best for your life?  Maybe you're not sure how or why, you just have.  You didn't realize it when it was happening, and you're not sure how you got to where you are, but you did.  You suddenly realize that your values have changed, you're more prone to gossip, your commitment level has taken a nose-dive, you're unhappy with things you used to be happy about, etc.  What changed?  You may be able to trace it back to a relationship.  You have begun a relationship, that on the outside looks great, but one that also slowly tempts you to change from who you were into someone you never intended to be.  You've been subtly lured away form God's best for your life.
     What does God's Word say about these relationships?  He says to recognize them, remove yourselves from them and refuse to be a toxic influence in anyone else's life.

Read 1 John 3:1-24


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