I live only a few miles from the sight of a toxic dump sight.  Today, it is just empty fields where the toxic waste has been dug out, removed, contained and covered.  The even more frightening thought is that years ago, where there now stand empty fields, stood rows and rows of homes filled with families.  These families were living right on top of, right in the middle of a toxic disaster, but they had no idea.  They were completely unaware of the danger beneath their feet and the risks of future harm they were bring on themselves through their constant exposure.  They were innocent, but exposing themselves daily to future devastation.
     Even though it may seem innocent, constant exposure to toxic relationships in our lives may be some of the most dangerous things we do to ourselves, our families and our souls.  Like the families in those homes, we sometimes live in ignorance and innocence, but that, in no way diminishes the danger or precludes the eventual outcome.
     Although it is never easy, your toxic relationships may grow to such a point that the only possible solution is to end them.  Like the critical actions that were required in the neighborhood, toxic relationships sometimes require more than cosmetic solutions.
     Today you will read about why it is sometimes necessary to take the ultimate step of ending a toxic relationship.

Read Acts 15:22-41, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Deuteronomy 7:1-6


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