
     OK, you're driving this ship.  For this blog to blog, you have to write, not just read. I've volunteered to do the heavy lifting.  All you have to do to make this work is to ask the questions....about JESUS.  ANYTHING!  Nothing's off the table.  So...bring them on.
    Here's the first...

Q:  Did Jesus ever get sick?

A:  Good question!  There's no record of Jesus ever getting sick.  John somewhat gives us a caveat when he writes, " Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."  That's a lot of room for a lot of stuff.  Obviously, the purpose of the scripture was not to tell us everything Jesus ever did, or everything that was ever done to Jesus, but rather what we needed to know to believe in him and recognize that he was, indeed, the Messiah.
     It's hard to think of Jesus getting sick, seeing how he was the perfect man.  But, that reasoning carries with it the assumption that sickness is always the result of sin on our part.  That would mean that every time I get a sniffle, I need to search my heart and find the sin I have committed and confess it so I can get better.
     No, actually, even though sickness can come from that, it's more likely it is just the result of us walking through a fallen world.  That sniffle may just be from the excess pollen around me or the guy who sneezed on me at Walmart.  Sickness is part of being human.  And Jesus experienced EVERY PART of being human...including being sick.
     The scriptures say that Jesus, "grew in wisdom and stature with God and man".  In other words, he had a normal, unspectacular childhood, which, if you're a parent, you know includes a little colic, swollen gums from teething and a little diaper rash.  God with diaper rash...now there's a picture that will blow your mind.  But, he experienced all that there was to this human condition...all of it.


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