Sometimes our problem is that Satan knows us better than we know ourselves.  For instance, he knows that peer pressure is a far more powerful tool than we give him credit for.  I'm not talking about peer pressure from without.  I'm talking about the peer pressure that comes from within.  That urge, that small voice inside us that says, "I don't want to stick out.  I just want to fit in" and "If it's OK for everybody else, then I don't see why it's not OK for me, too".
     One of the battles we fight, or at least need to fight, is the battle against conformity.  The desire to just blend in with everybody else.  Funny, we tell our children, "Just because everybody's doing something doesn't make it right".  But, since our temptation isn't to get a mohawk or pierce something, we somehow put our conformity into a different and more acceptable category.
     The truth is, just because everyone is doing something, (and everybody usually isn't) it doesn't mean it's spiritually harmless for us.  In fact, God's Word makes it clear that the healthy and right way is narrow and less traveled.  If we're swimming downstream like everyone around us, we'll find that toxic influences in our life affect our relationship with God.

Read Romans 12:1-21


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