Another core value of our church is AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIPS.  I believe our culture is experiencing relational retardation.  Yes, I realize that word has been listed on the PC never speak  list, but in this case it is a proper term and an appropriate one.  We are relationally retarded.  Our ability and desire to have real, meaningful, intimate relationships has been compromised.  Relationally, as a culture, we are a mile wide and an inch thick.  We have a lot of acquaintances, but few real friends.
     Jesus had 12 guys he hung out with.  Of those, he had three who he could call close friends.  They were all three knuckleheads, but when you're Jesus and all you have to work with is humans, you have to expect and accept knuckleheadism.
     Here's a question for you...Are you intentional about developing authentic relationships?  Are you building relationships that are a mile wide and an inch thick, or are you bucking the trend and building relationships that are a mile deep and inch wide?  Are you developing deep spiritual relationships that help you to grow in your relationship with God?  Are you creating accountability in your relationships, giving people the right to ask you the hard questions?  Do your relationships make you better?  Do your relationships honor God in every sense of the word?

Read  Mark 14:32-42


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