It would be so much easier if we could just do what Pilate did...just wash away our guilt like we wash our hands.  "OK, I'm washing my hands of this.  I'm no longer responsible for anything".  How convenient.  You send the Savior of the world to the cross, to be beaten, mocked, emasculated, terrorized and brutalized...and with a little water, poof!  All guilt is magically gone!  His way of dealing with Jesus was to just not deal with him.

Sounds familiar.  "I'll just deal with Jesus by not dealing with him".  You have friends and co-workers and family members and, possibly, even you that deals with Jesus the same way.  You just don't deal with him.  He claims to be the way, the truth and the life.  He claims to be the only way to the Father.  He claims to be the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world.  

There's basically three choices we have with him.  We can determine he's either LUNATIC, LIAR or LORD.  But, ignoring him...washing our hands of him...just ignoring him...these simply are not options.

One thing about Jesus...HE CANNOT BE IGNORED.  He demands to be addressed.  He cannot be put off.  You cannot have no opinion of him.  You cannot wash your hands of him.  It's a choice that must be made.  And it's ramifications are life-altering and eternal.

Read Matthew 27.


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