It's really pretty simple.  We are told by God to live by faith...faith alone.  However, the reality is that many of us, possibly most of us, live by fear.  Let's don't make this too complicated.  You can either live controlled by fear or you can live controlled by faith.  You get to choose, but it's simply one or the other.  If you're living by fear, you simply cannot live by faith.
     Furthermore, most of the fears that we live by are irrational fears...things that probably will never happen, that we've been given no evidence to believe are imminent, or even likely, but we choose to fear them just the same.  Rather than living by faith, we live by fear.
     Here's the most diabolical aspect of what we accept and excuse as normal...Fear controls us.  Fear paralyzes us.  Fear cripples us.  Fear limits us.  Fear robs our joy for life.  Fear makes faith impossible, and  "without faith it is impossible to please God".  Fear is no small deal.
     I want you to read about what God's Word has to say about toxic fears and how we should face them.

Read Psalm 27


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