Fears fall into one of four basic categories:  Fear of Loss, Fear of Failure, Fear of Rejection and Fear of the Unknown.  If you struggle with fear, it is very likely that you are struggling with one or more of those categories.  Some struggle with them all.
     The purpose of fear is to paralyze you and keep you from ever experiencing God's best for you life.  Fear is like an invisible leash that Satan has around our neck.  As long as we're just kind of walking through life, not having much of an impact, not really going anywhere of any real consequence, not being much of a real threat to him and his plans, we're free to roam freely.  But, once we begin to have an impact for the Kingdom of God, once we begin truly walking by faith, once we become dissatisfied with walking and start running after God and his purposes for our life, fear is the leash that Satan uses to yank us back and regain control of us.
     In moments like these the issue becomes, "Will I give in to fear and go back to the safe life, walking by sight, or will I resist and keep walking by faith, even though it's harder now?"  This becomes a pivotal moment in our lives.  It's when we really have to choose.  Faith or Fear.  What's it going to be?  Which will rule my life?
     Remember, 1 Timothy tells us that "God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, and of love, and of self-discipline".  Decide today what you will walk by.

Read 2 Timothy 1


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