Parenting Made...Something

     The message series I'm completing this Sunday is PARENTHOOD.  We've taken a "no holds barred" look at the realities of the toughest job on the planet, PARENTING.  This Sunday we'll wrap it all up with some totally practical ideas to make parenting possible, if not perfect. 
     OK, so I've gotten feedback before, both good and bad, but never this much.  It appears there's a parental hunger out there.  A "tell me what to do with these kids of mine" hunger.  An "if I fail at anything in life, I don't want it to be this" kind of hunger.  I hope PARENTHOOD has offered hope to those who may be running low on that right now.  That it's provided some practical help to those who may be feeling a little helpless.  That your faith has grown to embrace God's promise that if we "train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it".
     One more installment.  See you Sunday!


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