It's been a long, long time since I've been single. I'm not sure I even remember EVER being single...but I was. I always hear single people saying, "Being single today isn't like it was in your day!" Even though my generation said the same things to the generation that preceded us, I'm still sure it's true.
So much is assumed and expected these days. It seems like every other movie coming out is about a single guy and a single girl who want to have sex, but no relationship, as though that were possible. (By the way, it's not. You aren't wired that way. Dogs are, but people aren't.)
Lot's of temptations for Christian singles, but I think the biggest one is one they may not even realize. It's never talked about, and if it is, not as a temptation or a problem, but more as a reality, simply to be accepted and dealt with.
So, what am I talking about? It's the LIE you BUY that says, "I need to find the RIGHT ONE". That seems to be the number one priority of most singles, including, no, especially Christian singles. Nothing is too much to ask to complete this task. Move to another state. Change vocations. Change churches. Change friends. Change interests. WHATEVER IT TAKES TO FIND MR./MISS RIGHT.
Here's my take on's totally BACKWARDS. If as much time, effort, money and stress were to be put into BECOMING the Right One as is put into FINDING the Right One, everything would be different.
Why would God bring a godly man/woman into your life if you haven't invested the time and attention to becoming the perfect part of a matched set? Think about it. It makes no sense. It's kind of like looking for the perfect job before you ever start school and get the necessary training. Or looking for the perfect house before you have an income to afford it. That doesn't make much sense. Just leads to frustration and unfulfilled gratification.
So, if you're single or know a single, may I suggest to you, stop looking for Mr.(or Miss) Goodbar, and decide to become the RIGHT ONE. When you do that, you free up God to send the RIGHT ONE your way.


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