All Atwitter!

That pretty much sums me up. Why, you ask? Because this week is Valentines Day. I'm pumped! Can you sense the sincerity in my voice?!?! Not!
OK, so, as a typical male, I consider VD (I like to call it by it's initials) a plague on our culture. I truly think it is a communist plot foisted on an unwitting American populace by by Lenin, Stalin, Marx and someone named Hallmark.
Face it! We've been duped. We bit the apple. We swallowed the hook. We.....well, I could go on and on ad nauseum. But, I'll restrain myself.
Here's my question: Why does the calendar or the florist or the card shop or anyone else, for that matter, have the right to tell us we should be romantic towards our mates this one day a year? Why? Who gives them the right? Of all the unmitigaed gaul. Seriously, someone give me an answer.
Well, try this one. Maybe it's because we've failed to do it the other 364 days of the year. Just a thought. Maybe, not even a good one. But, it's a thought.
Possibly one answer might be to whine and moan a little less about VD, and bring home flowers on, say, April 12th. Or, leave a card on the bathroom counter next to her toothbrush on, say, September 22nd. Or here's a good one, take her to dinner (you pick the place, don't just say the usual, "I don't care, wherever you want to go")and a movie for absolutely no apparent reason. Just because.
Want to mess up the entire system and really mess with her mind? Plan a date night EVERY WEEK! OK, I may have overstepped my boundaries. If this is too revolutionary a thought, simply back up a sentence and read no further. But, for those of you ready to start living on the edge, go crazy.
Trust me, it's cheaper than marriage counseling and takes a lot of the dread off VD. (I still think it's a plot!)


  1. You should be a Husband counselor. If only all husbands would do something out of the norm. Us woman like spontanious things... It throws us out of the monatony (sp?) of being a mom 24/7, the maid, etc... That doesn't mean that we shouldn't be doing this for our spouse! They like it to, right? The small things like a handwritten love note on a napkin is more special then a store bought card from hallmark. Thanks for the post!

  2. Amen Pastor Tom!!! I have been against Valentines Day ever since I was considered too big to have a class party in school! Not to mention...when a husband brings home gifts on the 14th it is because he feels obligated (and wants to avoid a fight) NOT because he wants to!

  3. You speak truth, and I am impressed with the VD wordplay.


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