
Showing posts from September, 2015


     Ever heard that one?  Oh, my hand is up.  I heard that.  I heard it all my years growing up in a Christian home.  Christians aren't to hang out with non-Christians.  Why?  Because that's what the Bible says.  Duh!  1 Corinthians 15:33 says it plainly...“ Bad company corrupts good character .”  There it is.  Christians are not to be hanging around with sinners...lost people...unbelievers...people who don't follow Jesus.  It will corrupt their good character.  So, just say no!    If you're a Christian parent ...a good Christian parent, you'll get your kid in a Christian school, playing in a Christian T-Ball league, playing some good instrument (that is appropriate for use at church, of course), make sure their radio only tunes into KSBJ (God's Listening, right?), and most of all, DO NOT LET THEM HAVE FRIENDS THAT AREN'T CHRISTIANS...from good Christian families.  Real Christians.  If you ...


    I've read innumerable posts and been asked more questions than I can remember about the Pope's visit to America.  Two things have been surprising to me: 1.  How much media coverage has been allocated to his visit.  It seems that every show on television has been preempted at some point for coverage of the pope doing something.  Landing his plane, shaking the president's hand, riding in his Pope-mobile.  Everything he does is a major breaking story. 2.  How everybody...I mean everybody, has an opinion on his visit.  Some think it's the greatest event in their lifetime.  Other's are less impressed, but still put a really positive spin on it because it draws attention to Christianity, even if it doesn't happen to be their particular brand of Christianity.  Kind of the "all publicity is good publicity" mentality.     So, what's my take on this papal visit to America?  OK, I'll play along.  Here's some ra...


That's what we've been told...a sin is a sin is a sin...  Very democratic.  All sins are created equal.  That's what so many believe.  That's what I believed for most of my life.  So, we had to get that idea from somewhere.  So,...where? James 2:10 helps us out there.   " For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it ."  There you have it.  One sin.  All sins.  Equal guilt.  Equal sins.  I rest my case. But, is that what James is saying?  No, I don't think so.  In fact, James isn't talking about the equity of sins at all.  His point is a simple one.  Once we sin, we are sinners.  We are guilty in the eyes of a perfect and holy God.  Holiness and sin are like oil and water.  They just don't mix.  People who have been contaminated by the virus we call sin have a number of consequences directly related to that sin.  The major...


POOR GOD...That may sound a little strange to hear, but it really is true.  Seriously, He has to be the most misquoted guy who's ever uttered a word.  His words are even written a book...that's God (for Pete's sake!).  And He doesn't get a chance at rebuttal. For six weeks we'll take a look at a few of the misquotes, misunderstandings, and out-right misrepresentations of what God has said.  Obviously, we can't cover them all in six weeks, so we'll take a shot at a few others during the week.  How about this one... "If you had more faith, God would answer your prayers" Have a marriage that's on the rocks?  Well, if you have enough faith, it will all turn around. Get diagnosed with some life-threatening disease?  Enough get well.  Not enough faith...well, nice knowing you. Need a job?  Pray hard.  If you've got big faith, then employment is just a prayer away.  Not so much?  There's alw...