Ever heard that one? Oh, my hand is up. I heard that. I heard it all my years growing up in a Christian home. Christians aren't to hang out with non-Christians. Why? Because that's what the Bible says. Duh! 1 Corinthians 15:33 says it plainly...“ Bad company corrupts good character .” There it is. Christians are not to be hanging around with sinners...lost people...unbelievers...people who don't follow Jesus. It will corrupt their good character. So, just say no! If you're a Christian parent ...a good Christian parent, you'll get your kid in a Christian school, playing in a Christian T-Ball league, playing some good instrument (that is appropriate for use at church, of course), make sure their radio only tunes into KSBJ (God's Listening, right?), and most of all, DO NOT LET THEM HAVE FRIENDS THAT AREN'T CHRISTIANS...from good Christian families. Real Christians. If you ...